C&P - A Guide

Welcome to the club!

On this page you'll find a list of articles covering the entire novel "Crime and Punishment." Our group read it from July 2024 to January 2025. You can take this journey at your own pace. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send me a message—I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.


Chapter 1.1 — July 7, 1865

Raskolnikov goes to the old woman and rehearses everything before the crime.

Chapter 1.2 — July 7, 1865 (evening)

Meeting with Marmeladov, he talks about his family

Chapter 1.3 — July 8, 1865

Raskolnikov reads a letter from his mother and learns that they will soon arrive with his sister

Chapter 1.4 — July 8, 1865

Walks through St. Petersburg to the north, scene with the girl on the bench

Chapter 1.5 — July 8, 1865

Goes far north, falls asleep under a bush and dreams about a horse

Chapter 1.6 — July 9, 1865

The day of the crime, prepares and goes to the old woman

Chapter 1.7 — July 9, 1865

Crime scene


Chapter 2.1 — July 10, 1865

Raskolnikov wakes up after the murder and can't find peace. He was summoned to the police station

Chapter 2.2 — July 10, 1865

Raskolnikov finds a place to hide the stolen goods, visits his friend Razumikhin, and admires the city panorama from the bridge

Chapter 2.3 — July 14, 1865

After 4 days in delirium, Raskolnikov comes to his senses. During all this time, Razumikhin was very active.

Chapters 2.4 & 2.5 — July 14, 1865

Razumikhin and Dr. Zosimov discuss the murder. Luzhin arrives and talks about his theories. Raskolnikov mostly lies facing the wall, examining the wallpaper.

Chapter 2.6 — July 14, 1865

Raskolnikov is trying to understand the consequences of the murders he commited. And as we can see, in this chapter he is walking almost the path as on the day of the his crime.

Chapter 2.7 — July 14, 1865

Tragedy in the Marmeladov family. Rodion sees Sonya. It seems that Rodion finds forgiveness, but is it really so?


Chapter 3.1 — July 14-15, 1865

In this chapter, we will meet Rodion's family, learn from Razumikhin what makes a person human, and Fyodor Mikhailovich tells us a secret - how to maintain beauty and not age.

Chapter 3.2 — July 15, 1865

In this chapter, we learn a bit about Rodion's past, his mother also has strange dreams, and Razumikhin is increasingly falling in love with Dunya.

Chapter 3.3 — July 15, 1865

Six people are crammed into a room the size of a closet. Rodion behaves like an automaton, speaking as if reciting a memorized script. Even his own mother is afraid of him.

Chapter 3.4 — July 15, 1865

Seven people crowd the small room. After they leave, a mysterious man follows Sonya, while Rodion taunts Razumikhin—a strategic ploy to avoid suspicion.

Chapter 3.5 — July 16, 1865

The first meeting between Raskolnikov and detective Porfiry Petrovich! The intellectual duel begins! Porfiry tries to figure out Raskolnikov. It is in this chapter that we learn the true reasons for Rodion's crime, his theory.

Chapter 3.6 — July 16, 1865

The stranger tells Rodion that he is a murderer. Why? Who is this person? Frightened, Raskolnikov goes home and there he has a terrible dream.


Chapters 4.1-4.2 — July 16, 1865

First, we'll explore Svidrigailov's beliefs, particularly his encounters with ghosts. Then, we'll join the characters at the table—to discover whether Dunya will indeed marry Luzhin.

Chapter 4.3 — July 16, 1865

One could say that this chapter is an interlude. That is, a brief respite between the conclusion of one arc and the beginning of another.

Chapter 4.4 — July 16, 1865

Raskolnikov comes to Sonya, they read the parable of Lazarus' resurrection. He promises to tell her who killed Lizaveta. But someone else is eavesdropping on all of this...

Chapters 4.5-4.6 — July 17, 1865

The second meeting with investigator Porfiry Petrovich. Unexpected resolutions. Who is the tradesman? Who is Mikolka?


Chapters 5.1-5.2 — July 17, 1865

Part Five opens with a shift away from Raskolnikov's narrative. He fades into the background, barely present as a character. In the first chapter, Luzhin merely inquires about his attendance at the funeral feast. The second chapter finds Raskolnikov as a silent observer, sitting at the memorial dinner table, watching the quarrel unfold between Katerina Ivanovna and Amalia (whose patronymic curiously changes).

Chapter 5.3 — July 17, 1865

This chapter presents a prototype of a court. Luzhin acts as the prosecutor, while Lebeziatnikov serves as the witness who doesn't grasp Luzhin's motives. Raskolnikov takes on the role of the lawyer, putting everything in its place.

Chapter 5.4 — July 17, 1865

In this chapter, during his second meeting with Sonya, Raskolnikov reveals his motives for the crime. However, he struggles to articulate them definitively, suggesting that he's still grappling with understanding his own actions.

Chapter 5.5 — July 17, 1865

As you've noticed, Dostoevsky likes to end each part with unexpected turns, often associated with death. This time, we're again faced with a character's death, but not by Raskolnikov's hands.


Chapters 6.1-6.2 — July 19, 1865

In the first chapters, we quickly learn what happened during the two days after the end of Part 5, we talk with Razumikhin, and Porfiry Petrovich pays us a visit. In the third meeting with him, we learn more about Mikolka and the Schismatics.

Chapters 6.3-6.4 — July 19, 1865

These two chapters present a single scene with Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov. While Raskolnikov tries to find answers from Svidrigailov, the latter further immerses him in his dark world filled with pagan notions, deaths, and crimes surrounding him.

Chapters 6.5 — July 19, 1865

We left off at one of my favorite chapters—not for its plot, but for its composition and intensity. The events are truly frightening: the unstable and unpredictable Svidrigailov, a potential murderer and child molester, lures Dunya into his room.

Chapters 6.6 — July 20, 1865

The "devil's" chapter - it's not for nothing that it's 6.6 - practically "the number of the beast," whether it's 666 or 616. This is the most mystical chapter of the novel.

Chapters 6.7-6.8 — July 20, 1865

Raskolnikov finally makes his choice—reluctantly and hesitantly. Even at the last moment, he runs out of the police station, but upon seeing Sonya, he returns and puts an end to his indecision.


I hope you enjoyed the novel. I would be happy if you share it or write to me about your impressions.


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