On this page you'll find everything you need to navigate what's located where in the club. You can also read a bit about me and the club's name.
In 2025, we're reading "The Brothers Karamazov" together in our book club. If you share our passion for literature, visit our main page to find reading materials and the schedule—we'd love to have you join us.
Crime and Punishment
For those who want to read "Crime and Punishment" independently - head to this page. On this page you'll find a list of articles covering the entire novel "Crime and Punishment." Our group read it from July 2024 to January 2025. You can take this journey at your own pace. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send me a message—I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Why the name «Theta-Delta»?
They represent the first letters of the writer's first and last name, but in the Greek alphabet. But it's not just that. In modern Russian, there are no Greek letters, but when Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote his books in the mid-19th century, the Greek letter Theta was used instead of the Russian letter "Ф" (in Latin - F). And Dostoevsky often signed his articles with this letter, especially when he was banned from publishing.
This club will be completely free until the end of 2025 for the entire period of reading "The Brothers Karamazov" All materials and readings will be fully accessible to you. If you like, you can thank me with donations, but nothing more.
The subscription itself will mean a lot to me. I will see how many people want to read Dostoevsky and delve into his masterpieces together with me.
I'm also keeping a reading diary-sketchbook with favorite quotes and sketches from chapters. I encourage you to do the same and share your pages. When Dostoevsky was writing his novels, he drew in the manuscripts and made diagrams. Here is one of his pages.
Discussions with like-minded people. Become part of a passionate community that shares your love for literature and deep discussions. Engage in enriching conversations, share insights, and make new friends who appreciate the timeless works of Dostoevsky.
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Who am I?
My name is Dana.
I was born, raised, and educated in St. Petersburg, the city of Dostoevsky. Now I live in Poland. I've been reading Dostoevsky's books in Russian since my youth and studied them in detail at university, where Russian literature was the main subject.
I continued my philological education by studying French literature and cinema at the Sorbonne, where my thesis focused on Georges Bernanos' book The Diary of a Country Priest (Journal d'un curé de campagne) and its adaptation by Robert Bresson.
Thanks to my knowledge of Russian, St. Petersburg, Russian literature, and culture in general, I feel I can share a lot during the reading process. However, I realized I'm interested in reading with people from other cultures because they see the text differently than I do. Therefore, I'm very interested in reading Dostoevsky in English.
I speak Russian, French, English, and Polish.
The club is my return to literary analysis, as after university, I did not work as a philologist. I work as a designer, RPG game author, and my other passion is creating card decks (not for poker games).