Sep 4Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Hi Dana, will you be offering this slow read next year? I am very interested but hesitant to join midway through. Will you be hosting other Dostoevsky books?

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Hi, Lisa. Yes, if there are people interested in reading Crime and Punishment, we'll have another reading next year as well. I also want to cover a few more of Dostoevsky's books, most likely The Idiot and/or The Brothers Karamazov.

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Sep 4Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Great! I think I’ll get a copy of Crime and Punishment and jump in this group and when/if you have it again I can start from the beginning. I love what you are offering. My first exposure to your writing was the article on tea, which was fascinating. I am in Simon’s War and Peace slow read now. Want to read more of 19 th century Russian literature. Thanks!

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In any case, I would like, of course, to conduct "Crime and Punishment" once again, as this first reading has revealed areas where I could enhance the materials. I look forward to seeing you in our club. I also intend to write more articles about Russian culture during Dostoevsky's era.

Reading Tolstoy and Dostoevsky simultaneously is quite challenging, albeit ambitious! Enjoy your journey through War and Peace—Simon runs an excellent club for it. I peek in there occasionally when time allows.

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Aug 1Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

I’m joining in today

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Welcome to the club!

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Jul 6Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Thanks for the beautiful schedules!!

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