Yefim Petrovich POLYONOV or POLENOV
Audio text — Yefim Petrovich POLYONOV or POLENOV — Ефим Петрович Полёнов or Поленов
Given name — Yefim (Ефим)
Patronymic — Petrovich (Петрович) — the son of Pyotr (Пётр)
Family name — POLYONOV or POLENOV (Полёнов или Поленов)
His surname appears in two variants, as it's not entirely clear whether it was written with the letter E or Ё. This changes the pronunciation.
I still maintain that the Polenov (Поленов) variant is more correct, as it sounds more natural.
He served as the Provincial Marshal of Nobility, was a relative and principal heir of Generaless Vorokhova, and acted as guardian to Ivan and Alexei Karamazov.
Recognizing Ivan's brilliant aptitude for learning, Yefim Petrovich—in his eagerness to do good—placed the thirteen-year-old boy in a Moscow gymnasium. He arranged for Ivan's boarding with "a certain experienced and then-famous educator," who happened to be Yefim Petrovich's childhood friend. By the time Ivan completed his gymnasium studies, however, Polenov had passed away.