So excited to tackle this tome with you! Thank you for doing this, Dana. I appreciate it 🙏🏼🧡

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Thank you for your warm words and support! I hope we'll have an interesting year ahead. 💕

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I look forward to the audio of the Russian pronunciations. I like to make my reading as authentic as possible. Maybe I’ll wear my Karakul ushanka while I read.

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Haha, yes, the ushanka hat will set the right mood. Send us your photo wearing it 😊

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Thank you for undertaking this mammoth task, you put so much into this it’s wonderful and I am very grateful for you and being here with you all for this great book.

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Thank you for such warm words and support! I hope our year will be interesting and productive 💕

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Damn, Dana, this is fantastically organised—a wealth of resources to see me through the first couple of months.

I’m still in awe of your creative response to Crime and Punishment and look forward to seeing where you go with TBK.

You talked about postcards and I’m leaning towards letters but not sure of the context yet. Maybe book club readers could send postcards and letters to each other—handwritten, wax sealed and posted of course.

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Thank you, Matt. I'm still considering ideas for the postcards—I want to create something fresh instead of repeating the "scenes" approach I used with Crime and Punishment. Your suggestion about letters is intriguing; perhaps we could organize something along those lines. Once we begin reading and get acquainted, I'm confident we'll find people who want to participate.

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I'm late to this, but can I start the book now?

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Hello, Marcy. No, it's not too late - you can join at any time. We're currently finishing the second book, and there will be a break before the third one, so you'll be able to catch up quite easily.

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Thanks Dana, I'm going to start today. I read some of your background information and printed the bookmarks: brilliant!

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Dana, I decided to read Dostoevsky in 2025 but knew I would need supplemental materials to help me understand the cultural and historical elements of his writing. As I was searching, I came across your Substack and was thoroughly impressed by, first and foremost your obvious love of the subject, and secondly your organization of the materials. Thank you, I am so excited to take this journey with everyone.

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Welcome to the club, Ann. I hope our reading year will be beneficial and the novel will become one of your favorites. Thank you for your kind words.

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Hurrah for multi-purposed bookmarks and audio recordings of Russian names!!!!

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Oh, I've been nurturing this idea of doing an audio version since Crime and Punishment. Finally, finally, I'm doing it.

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I am thrilled! I have been looking them up online, but having them in your voice is a dream!

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I was going to ask you about the Pavear and Volokhonsky edition, which is the one I have but not the one I have read. I see you’ve already given your opinion-good but not your favorite. I may still use it anyway if it won’t hamper my understanding for this group.

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Hi, Matthew. Of course, you can read the P&V translation, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just not my favorite. Many people do like this translation.

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Looking forward to following the conversation here. Read this in 2024 with my two oldest kids (my 4th time through, their first) and it will be fun to read your thoughts with the book relatively fresh in my mind. It is an astonishingly profound and moving book.

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Hi. We'll be happy to see your comments and thoughts. Feel free to drop by anytime. And it's wonderful that you and your family are reading such books together.

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So excited Dana, thanks for your amazing guidance. I really appreciate it!

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Thank you, Supriya! Welcome to our club 🙌🏻

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Lex Friedman read this book in a week—between the Little Prince and Siddhartha.


Step it up, people! lol.

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Nice. On this site, Dostoevsky is on his “Shorter-Term Suggestions I’m Considering” reading list. But overall, the novel can be read in a week if really necessary. You need to read about 120 pages per day

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There’s a list he put out (maybe on Twitter) where he literally had one week blocked for BK.

Lex was dragged pretty hard for this—deservedly.

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Dana, this is incredibly exciting! I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon your book club! It already feels magical with all the preparation you have highlighted. Thank you!

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I'm delighted to see you in the club, Lisa! I hope this journey together will be exciting for everyone!

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Dana I'm in such awe of your organization skills, I can't believe all the work you've already put and you'll keep putting into this book club. I'm with you all the way!

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Thank you! Now I need to keep up the momentum! I'm very happy and grateful that you're with me on this journey, Ellie. It's always important to know that people with similar literary taste, worldview, and love of reading are nearby.💕

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Deep thanks for setting up this BK book club, Dana, and the first organizational post is impressive! I already know we’re in good hands and look forward to this year of reading and conversation.

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Welcome to the club, Sheri! I'm glad you're embarking on this journey with us.

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Wow - you have done such an amazing job putting this all together. THANK YOU! I look forward to joining the read along.

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Welcome to the club, Melissa! Here's to an interesting and productive year ahead.

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Perfect timing for me, as I started a re-read of my P&V translation over the holidays. I'm on book three but now I think I'll go back and follow along with the group.

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Welcome, David! We'd love to have you read along with us! 🙌🏻

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