Aug 19Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

I’m reading The Gambler Wife right now, and I’m loving it! I’m also practicing walking from Dostoyevsky’s house to the island using street view in Google Earth. It’s hysterical, and I often feel like Rodion looking around and wondering how he ended up in a certain spot. I haven’t made it yet without zooming out to see where I am. I really wish I could read Russian to use the street signs to help me! Lol. I’m hoping to be able to find my way by the time I finish the novel. 🤣

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I haven't read “The Gambler's Wife,” but I've heard many good reviews about it. It is probably based on Anna's memories. She wrote very well and had literary talent.

Wow, what a challenge! The street view” in Google is tough 😅 i guess, you have to move like a car. On foot, it would be easier; you just have to go straight for a long time. Walk along the embankments instead of the streets; the views are more beautiful.

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Aug 17Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Dresden was destroyed in WW2, thankfully that art survived. Fyodor Mikhailovich loved walking...and smoking.

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When I read about his walks, I remembered Vonnegut's book "Slaughterhouse-Five." I always think of it when Dresden is mentioned.

Indeed, Dostoevsky's Dresden was different. His wife later wrote in her memoirs that they moved to Geneva to save money. I laughed out loud thinking about what they would say about prices in Switzerland now.

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Aug 16Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Funny how getting up at 11 used to sound glorious but now sounds terrible. I wonder what other authors were night owls, as I usually picture them in my mind writing in the afternoon.

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Everyone has different routines, and it's interesting to read about them. I remember that Kant had lunches every day that lasted 4-5 hours.

Check out this infographic: https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/showcase/483-creative-routines

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Aug 16Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Does that include the post-lunch nap? Sign me up!

I’d also love to see Hunter S Thompson on that infographic! 😂

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Aug 15Liked by Dana • Dostoevsky Bookclub

Dresden is still beautiful today, it does not surprise me that they were enchanted by the city.

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