Wow! This is fascinating material. I’m embarrassed to admit that I might have been a bit creeped out in parts. It’s interesting to see how long seances have been practiced and how, even then, they knew tricks were (sometimes?) employed. Still going strong today!

I’m going to have to try to find a copy of Dostoevsky’s journals in English. They would be such an interesting read. He is a fascinating man.

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Yes, it turns out that Dostoevsky was quite the spiritualist. Although one would think this should have been rejected by him as heresy. In those years - 1870s in Russia - there were already entire commissions investigating whether it was true or not. There were scientists who analyzed how it could have been done. But probably, mediums didn't waste time either and came up with their new tricks. Like magicians - they always have something new up their sleeve.

Dostoevsky doesn't have personal diaries (or he destroyed them during his lifetime), as is common for many writers. He published his thoughts openly - you could say he was a blogger. He had "A Writer's Diary," which was public and published. And you can find many letters where he is also candid.

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Oh! Thank you so much for the info. I’ve looked up the title and added it to my wish list. :-)

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Thank you for this very interesting article.

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I'm very glad you liked the article. Dostoevsky had a very interesting life, apparently.

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Thank you for these articles. I have read many of his works but nothing of his life. So interesting

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